Trading In Turbulent Times
Markets are in a perpetual state of flux; however, at this time we are seeing choppiness and trending moves in many commodity and index markets accompanied by rising implied volatility (IV). Options traders, of course, have a choice. They can initiate spread positions that benefit from market movement (but incur negative time decay and lose when IV decreases) or they can initate spreads that benefit from positive time decay (but are vulnerable to market movement and to an increase in IV). Paul shows you how he constructs option spreads for different directional and volatility outlooks in key markets like the S&P 500 (SP), US Treasury Bonds (US), Eurocurrency (EC), Japanese Yen (JY), Gold (GC), and Crude Oil (CL). Paul shows you how he uses OptionVue 6 software to generate Graphic Analyses and to display each spread’s Greek variables.
Run Time: 55 Minutes