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Market Personality Of Equity Index Options (S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq)

Market Personality Of Equity Index Options (S&P 500, Dow Jones, Nasdaq)

What makes equity index options different than options in other markets? What happens to premiums on equity options when the market rallies? . when the market declines? What does the volatility skew mean? What is the S&P 500 volatility skew and how can you use it when constructing options spreads? What major event shaped the market psychology involved with equity index options? Get Paul’s answers to these questions and more by signing – up for this unique Webinar. In addition, Paul gives examples of options spreads you can use whether you’re bullish, bearish, or neutral on the market.


Run Time: 96 Minutes

    $24.00 Regular Price
    $1.00Sale Price
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